Buster is based on the Great Train Robbery of 1963 where Buster Edwards (Phil Collins) and a few other loveable small time rogues pull off one of the biggest bullion robberies of all time. The police are soon after them as they leave clues around like a cat leaves mice. Fleeing to Acapulco, Buster and his wife June (Julie Walters) try a new lifestyle, but they are not happy there, missing the life in south London. They soon leave the sun and sangria to return, knowing that a punishment awaits him. The film ends with the real Buster Edwards and what became of him after his prison sentence - selling flowers at Waterloo station.
Several singles were released from the soundtrack: Two Hearts, Loco in Acapulco and A Groovy Kind of Love that Anne produced and Phil sang. It was a number one hit both sides of the Atlantic.